Homeschool vs Public School: Which is Right for Your Children?
This has recently become a hot topic of conversation for many parents and teachers around the world.
Interestingly, a few years ago homeschooling was practically unheard of, only for families who appeared to be “alternative”. But recently homeschooling has become increasingly popular. If your children learn at a different pace, are being bullied in school, need to focus on a particular skill or your family plans to travel the world – homeschooling is a great option.
Even some well-known celebs were homeschooled. For example, Olympic gold medalists Venus and Serena Williams were tutored at home so they could focus on their tennis. And Canadian actor Ryan Gosling was home taught from the age of ten due to being bullied in the classroom and not being able to cope with his ADHD. But is homeschooling right for your child?
Homeschool vs Public school – Read this guide to help you make the right choice.
Homeschool vs Public School – Become the Teacher
Lets first address homeschooling, where you become the Teacher. Every child is unique, not only in their personality but also in their learning style. Homeschooling gives you the freedom to create your own curriculum. This allows you to individualize your teaching and to teach at a pace your child is comfortable with. Unfortunately, at a public school, you don’t have this option, your child could be bored if the pace is too slow, or left behind if the pace is too fast.
While customizing your curriculum, you can focus on the subjects you feel are most important. Priority firstly goes to covering the basics, such as writing, reading, comprehension, and counting. But you can also take time to instill a particular set of values, such as religious beliefs and view of the world. If you do have a particular religious belief, you can also incorporate religious events, studies, and prayers into your child’s schedule, which can be limited when sending your child to a public school.
Homeschooling also allows you to give your child one to one attention, which is generally unavailable in mainstream schools. This will allow your child to have the time and attention needed in order to understand difficult subjects, whereas they may be missed in a larger group. This individual experience may allow the child to progress quicker and receive higher grades in the long run. Teaching from home also means there is less pressure on them to achieve something at a certain time. They can learn at their own rhythm and avoid competition with other students.
Another benefit is less travel time. It might not seem like a big deal if you live in the local town, but if you’re in a rural area, getting your kids to school can be a real mammoth task, especially if the weather is bad. Homeschooling may be a more convenient and practical option.
Family bonds can become strengthened. With families spending more time together a closer relationship between parents, children and siblings can be formed. Homeschooling allows your life to be more flexible, you can travel any time of year, without having to stick to the school holidays. Or, if you’re really adventurous, you can travel the world together and teach on the road!
On top of it all, some studies show that children receiving a structured home education score as good, or even better than those in public schools.
Homeschool vs Public School – Leave it to the Teacher
Now, let’s take a look at public schools, is it better to leave it to the professionals?
The number one issue of homeschooling is socialization. Interaction with those outside the family is limited, maybe missing opportunities to mingle with those of other cultures, backgrounds, and ages. Public schools allow children ample opportunities to meet people from a variety of backgrounds, age, religions, and cultures. Public schools offer a structured learning environment. Young children thrive on routine, and this may be hard to balance in a homeschooled environment, especially if you are caring for more than one child.
Teachers in public schools are trained and hold a degree in the subjects they are teaching. They also have specialized training and experience in working with and teaching children. When homeschooling, not all parents have a thorough understanding of the subjects they are teaching and may miss the mark sometimes. Public school tends to be cheaper than homeschooling. Public schools generally offer extracurricular activities for free, such as dance classes, swimming lessons, and sports training.
Allowing your child to attend public school also gives them a level of independence. They have to keep track of their own schedule, purchase their own lunch, and maybe even travel to and from school without your assistance. This training will help them in their future endeavors. Whereas some homeschooled youths may experience a kind of culture shock when they enter a more rigid or formal education, such as a university or even when starting a job.
You, as a parent, can also have independence and freedom if your child is attending public school. Double duty as a parent and a teacher can be difficult.
Education is a Powerful Weapon
Yes, education can change the world. Deciding on how to educate your child is one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make for them. So homeschool vs public school…there are several pros and cons for both sides. If you do decide to homeschool your children, you’re not alone. Many parents feel the same as you do.
But if you feel underqualified to teach your child, what can you do? We’re glad to inform you of a happy medium available.
You can homeschool your children with the help of our online school. That way you can receive all the benefits of freedom, family time, safety and flexibility, yet still feel confident that your child will be educated in the best possible way.
Click here to find out more about us!