I just wanted to thank you on behalf of my children, my husband and myself, for putting on a wonderful graduation banquet and ceremony this year. My son was very encouraged by the
support and encouragement he received, which is so good, considering he was somewhat skeptical of it all, knowing there would only be 2 grads in attendance. It was wonderful to include the grade 11 students as well as alumni in the celebrations. I think this will actually help the grade 11's who were there to anticipate/look forward to next year when it is time for their graduation.
I have already shared this with most of you, but Flex ED (at the time it was called Progressive Discover-e), has literally been an answer to our prayers as an educational option for our boys. I'm not sure where our boys would be today if it weren't for the flexibility and accessibility of your school.
I will continue to promote Flex ED to other parents and students who are looking for an alternative to a typical "bricks and mortar" school. I know my boys have already been doing that as well because people are always curious about how online education works so effectively to the point that they actually have a grade 12 diploma to show for all their hard work online.
So, with all of that said, if you ever have a potential student/parent who would like to hear from a family who has "done Flex ED", feel free to continue to send them our way. We'd be happy to answer their questions.
I also want to encourage you in the fact that I have seen tremendous growth and change for the better in the way Flex ED functions since we first began our adventure with you 5 years ago. I appreciate that you're always trying to make things more user-friendly for both parents and students, and accommodating the necessity for improvement along the way. I wish you all the best in the years ahead as your school grows and expands.
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