6 Ways Your Online Student Can Get Active

When children are in a traditional classroom setting, regular activities like gym and recess ensure that they get their physical activity in for the day. Learning in an at-home classroom doesn’t mean that a child needs to miss out on these opportunities to move around and get fresh air.

In fact, the flexibility of online learning just means that you can get that much more creative when facilitating your at-home student’s activity!

Just because a child is learning from home doesn’t mean that they need to stay cooped up inside all day! Help your child create a routine that integrates physical activity. With spring around the corner it’s a great time to start getting back outside! 

Need some ideas? Here are the ways you can help your online student stay active during their school days:

Breaks Outside

A little recess never hurt anybody! Midday, or whenever you notice your online learner is starting to get restless inside, encourage them to grab that scooter from the garage and move around a bit.

Chances are, they will feel that much more energized and refreshed when they return to their lesson, and will be that much ready to learn. Whether they want to bike, scooter, hang out in a park for 20 minutes — it doesn’t matter.

Any kind of physical activity outside is good to break up a child’s day and build up their energy for education.





If you have a garden, that’s a great way to get your kid outside. Not everyone loves running  around or playing sports, and that’s okay. Even if your child isn’t necessarily that athletic, they can still enjoy moving around outside and getting some fresh air!

One thing you can do is, in between lessons, encourage your online student to help you around the garden whether that means planting seeds or pulling out weeds. Chances are, they will get really into it and start running around the backyard finding other ways to help you outside.


Hikes & Nature Walks

The beauty of online learning is being able to have a bit more control over how and when you learn. If your child gets a later start to their school day, get them up a bit earlier and go on a nature walk! Hikes and walks in the middle of the day can be fun, educational field trips as you can always integrate the science curriculum whether your student be learning about biodiversity,  biology, habitats, eco-systems you name it!


Extra Curricular Sports

Getting your online student involved in extracurricular sports will help them socialize with other kids, and will help teach them teamwork. Plus, with the flexibility of online school, slightly more demanding extra curricular sports are a lot more feasible. A good idea is seeing if the homeschooled kids in your region have created their own sports team — it’s definitely worth checking out!

Morning Stretches

Let’s be honest, we can all benefit from some morning stretches to start your day on the right foot. This is actually a really fun and mutually beneficial activity you can do with your child! Morning stretches are relaxing and help get you mentally ready for the day.



Have Your Student Compete Against You

Encourage your student to get active by getting active yourself! Make challenges up whether it be who can do the most burpees in a row, or who can skip rope the longest before slipping up. Make it a game and engage in some healthy competition!