SEMINAR Teaching Remotely: Tips & Tricks
Flex ED will be hosting a free online seminar on Wed Apr 29th at 7 PM. We will be speaking with experts in e-learning and distance learning about the main focus � how to manage your students� education remotely.
An e-learning expert who has worked in the industry for over 10 years. In his role as an online education and training specialist, he works with a diverse group of clients including individual students, schools, colleges, non-profit organizations, and corporate customers. Joel has seen the trend towards working and learning from home evolve firsthand over the past decade, and continues to help clients adapt to the ever changing environment.
Monique is a former public school teacher who has been home educating her own children for the past 7 years. She is passionate about promoting a lifestyle of learning and seeks to empower and equip others through speaking at homeschool conferences/retreats, facilitating workshops, and developing and sharing resources. Monique places high value on learning through experience and her family utilizes the freedom homeschooling affords to spend much of their time traveling North America, climbing mountains and chasing waterfalls. Monique is happy to be representing the Saskatchewan Home Based Educators!
Lisa is Vice Principal of Flex ED School. She has her Bachelor of Education and is Montessori trained and certified. She is passionate about directing students to learn in ways that will help them to not only flourish, but to also develop a lifetime love of learning. Lisa has 4 of her own children. Her youngest child is currently in his 4th year with Flex ED. Being a part of Flex ED has allowed Lisa and her husband the freedom to travel across Saskatchewan providing learning opportunities for their youngest child, while at the same time being able to adhere to the Saskatchewan curriculum.