Online Education: The NEW Traditional Student
Online education used to be deemed an alternative learning method, but not anymore. For many children and young adults today, virtual learning is the preferred way to learn.
In the past, students were often steered away from online learning because experts claimed online programs reduced self-discipline. Recent trends show, however, that this is not the case. In fact, the state of Florida now requires that students take at least one online course in order to graduate from high school. And many community colleges offer dual enrollment courses in an online platform for high school students.
The truth is, kids today are more comfortable using technology, which stimulates them to think and learn in new, positive ways.
It is also estimated that 60 to 80% of students are visual learners, which means that the graphics utilized in online programs enable them to better obtain new information. But regardless of learning style, all students can benefit from the customized approach online learning allows.
Sign Up For Flex ED’s Online Program
Flex ED offers a unique education alternative that embraces a “school without walls” approach to learning. The program is flexible to meet the growing needs of students and their families in the greater global community. Flex ED’s empowerment model for teaching and learning is on the cutting edge of educational trends, upholding the philosophy that school occurs wherever learning takes place. Through technology, social media, and teacher support, students learn and grow in a safe, supportive online environment.
Flex ED provides the complete Saskatchewan curriculum of education, supervised and marked by a Saskatchewan certified teacher.
Whether students are looking for an online school or need help supplementing a homeschool curriculum, Flex ED can help to facilitate those needs. Learn more at:[/su_column]