- Science 10
- Physical Science 20
- Environmental Science 20
- Computer Science 20
- Health Science 20
- Chemistry 30
- Computer Science 30
- Earth Science 30
- Physics 30
- Biology 30
- Math Foundations/Pre Calculus 10
- Math Workplace & Apprenticeship 10
- Math 11
- Math Pre-Calculus 20
- Math Foundations 20
- Math Workplace & Apprenticeship 20
- Math 21
- Math Pre-Calculus 30
- Math Foundations 30
- Math Workplace & Apprenticeship 30
- Calculus 30
Social Sciences
- History 10
- Indigenous Studies 10
- Indigenous Studies 20
- Indigenous Studies 30
- History 20
- History 30
- Law 30
- Psychology 20
- Psychology 30
- Social Studies 10
- Social Studies 30
English Language Arts
- ELA A10
- ELA B10
- ELA 20
- ELA A30
- ELA B30
PAA / Electives
- Accounting 10
- Accounting 20
- Ag. Production 20
- Agriculture Studies 30
- Catholic Studies 10
- Catholic Studies 20
- Catholic Studies 30
- Communication Media 10
- Communication Media 20
- Communication Media 30
- Cow – Calf Production 30
- Digital Graphic Arts 20
- Drafting 10
- Energy and Mines 20
- Energy and Mines 30
- Financial Literacy 20
- Financial Literacy 30
- Food Studies 30
- Hairstyling and Esthetics 10
- Hairstyling and Esthetics 20
- Hockey Skills 10
- Hockey Skills 20
- Hockey Skills 30
- Information Processing 10
- Information Processing 20
- Interior Design and Decorating 30
- Life Transitions 20
- Life Transitions 30
- Photography 10
- Photography 20
- Photography 30
- Power Engineering 20
- Power Engineering 30
- Robotics 10
- Robotics and Automation 10
- Robotics and Automation 30
- Tourism 10
- Visual Arts 10
- Visual Arts 30
- Animation 10
- Core Ukrainian 10
- Creative Writing 20
- Creative Writing 30
- Digital Citizenship 10
- Digital Citizenship 20
- Entrepreneurship 20
- Entrepreneurship 30
- Forensic Science 20
- Forensic Science 30
- French 10
- French 20
- French 30
- Leadership 10
- Mental Wellness 30
- Personal Fitness 20
- Personal Fitness 30
- Wellness 10
- Wildlife Management 20