Enrol and Save Big

Enrol Today & Save 50% Off School Fees!

We want you to be able to enrol at the lowest price possible! As a thank you for joining us on a private tour, we are offering 50% off the school fee � making the price only $150 per student! 

We've got big things planned for next year, and we wouldn't want you to miss out on another great year of online learning. Remember this discount is only on for a limited amount of time so enrol today! 


What's the "School Fee" & what does it include?

Your schooling fee covers basic costs not associated with tuition, or covered by the Provincial Government. These costs include:

  • Registration Costs
  • Government Paperwork
  • Textbooks & Material
  • Administration & Support
  • Teacher Prep
  • Much More


Questions? Call Us. 1-888-124-4578

Our Specialists are here to help with any questions you might have.

*Financial assistance is available. If required, call the school to discuss options.


Checkout Summary

Total Number of Students

Amount to pay today
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