Homeschooling Options!
When it comes to homeschooling there really aren't a lot of options out there. To constantly be searching for new and innovative ways to teach your children lessons, it takes time, which busy parents don't always have.

With our new affiliate partners DezignED you get access to the entire course library for low monthly fees. Whether your students are kindergarteners to grade nines or in grades 10 to 12. DezignED has two separate course libraries that have the ability to adjust the learning level for each student and subject to create a customized learning plan for the entire family.

The curriculum is aligned with Saskatchewan provincial standards and created by the DezignED instructional design team. Utilized by accredited schools such as Flex ED and homeschoolers all over the world. See what they can do for your homeschooling family today!

Visit and learn more about their program offerings now.

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