Webinar: The Basics & Importance
of Self-Care

Join us as Rebekah Cook discusses the importance of self-care and some basic strategies to make sure you're getting what you need at all times of life. 


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What You Need To Know
In our society, the busier the better. Or so it would seem. We aren't learning how to deal with the stress that comes from the busyness effectively, so it becomes easier to ignore it. School and work tend to take all of our focus, and our personal needs like food and sleep get pushed to the back burner. In this webinar, we will discuss the importance of self-care and some basic strategies to make sure you're getting what you need in both the peaceful times and the stressful times. The webinar is open to the public and will be held on Thursday, March 29, 2018, at 12 pm Saskatchewan time.

Have questions? Let us know!
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